
Corporate Profile

  • Corporate Name
    NRI System Techno,Ltd.
  • Headquarters
    4-4-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama,220-0012
  • Phone
    + 81-45-336-8000 (main)
  • Date of Establishment
    January 31, 1990
  • Representative
    Noriyasu Kogure, Representative Director & President
  • Capital
    100 million yen
  • Shareholders
    • Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI), 51%
    • Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (Ajinomoto), 49%
  • Number of Employees
    341(Jul 1. 2024)
  • Major Services
    • Surveys and planning of information systems
    • Design and development of information systems
    • Maintenance and operation of information systems
    • Operations associated with the above
      (services, sales, leasing, rental, etc.)

Company History

  • January 31, 1990
    Founded as a spinoff of Ajinomoto’s Information Planning Department, named Ajinomoto System Techno Corp and 100% owned by Ajinomoto.
  • April 1, 2012
    Joined the NRI Group as Ajinomoto transferred 51% of the shares to NRI, and renamed NRI System Techno, Ltd.


Specialty 1

We undertake all of Ajinomoto Group’s IT systems, including surveys, planning, design, development, maintenance and operation.

Application Area

We provide diverse solutions, from mission-critical systems regarding accounting, logistics, sales, production and personnel, to information systems which deeply connect to our clients' business and management strategies.

Infrastructure Area

We support all layers to run applications: facilities including data center; hardware such as network systems, servers, storage systems, PCs and smartphones; middleware such as operating systems and database management systems.

Specialty 2

We continue leading the industry in information systems for Japan’s food industry and other non-financial sectors.

Application Area

We support business innovation of our clients in assisting group-wide or global deployment of world standard ERP packages, in implementing and enhancing data warehousing to achieve large-scale data use, and in using BI and ETL solutions to provide visibility to management information.

Infrastructure Area

We promote virtualized IT resources such as servers and networks as well as virtualized application data, and realized unsurpassed efficiency and agility in enterprise infrastructures in Japan.

Specialty 3

Our value creation derives from high-skilled engineers who have been leading information systems in the industry. Training high-skilled engineers is the most critical factor for our company.

To continuously nurture engineers ready for the next generation, we joined the NRI Group in 2012 by welcoming capital participation from NRI, a Japan’s leading IT company.

HR Development & Personnel System

  • Our human resource development is composed of two systems: NAC as a career and competence development program, aiming at nurturing professionals, and N-Pros as a personnel system, designed to rate, assess and reward professionals.
  • NAC was originally developed by incorporating NRI’s educational methods and was launched in 2014.
    In particular, young employees are regarded as developing human resources and are given opportunities to acquire diverse skills defined in "Growing stories of Young IT professionals" through on and off the job training.
  • N-Pros is a personnel system focusing on professionals and was introduced in 2015.

Board Member & 
Organization Chart

Board Member

Representative Director / President

  • Noriyasu Kogure

Director / Vice President

  • Yuji Mizuta  - Compliance Officer, Risk Management Officer, Supervising of Administrative Divisions


  • Keiichiro Nakagome  - Systems Development & Quality Management Officer
  • Ayumi Nakajima  - Business Promotion Officer
  • Kei Masuda  - Infrastructure Systems Officer
  • Akihiro Kamei  - (Senior Corporate Managing Directors of NRI)
  • Takayuki Koda  - (Executive Officer & Senior Vice President of Ajinomoto)

Corporate Auditor

  • Takeshi Hihara  - (Audit & Supervisory Board Member of NRI)
  • Kumiko Yazaki  - (Internal Auditing Dept., of Ajinomoto)

Organaization Chart

Click here to view our organization chart.

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